NTRP Event: Summer Social Event at Top Golf

NTRP Event: Summer Social Event at Top Golf

Did you know that having fun social events at work is incredibly important? Think about it. Employees, bosses and experts of the industry will get to coexist in a relaxing environment, so they’ll have a great time. These kinds of events will make professionals...
ProlecGE Builds Relationships, Reduces Turnover, with Fluency Corp

ProlecGE Builds Relationships, Reduces Turnover, with Fluency Corp

Why Language Training, Coupled with Assimilation Support, is Just Better In business, effective communication is essential. When merging a business into a new market in a new country, miscommunication and failed relocations can cost the company hundreds of thousands...
Relocation and Mobility Event: SARRC February Meeting

Relocation and Mobility Event: SARRC February Meeting

As a relocation professional it can be tough to know where you’re standing in the industry. Because this is an ever-changing business. With all the new technology and globalization, there’s always something new to learn about the mobility industry. You...
