Expat: noun a person who lives outside his or her native country.

Our CEO and Founder, Micah Bellieu, was an expat herself; she took a job in Mexico in 2008 and her Spanish was not great. How was she to work, let alone, live, in a country where everything including the language, was foreign and new to her?

We serve expats for this reason. We understand what it’s like to arrive in a new country, for a new job, with your family or on your own, knowing that you will now have to be working and living in your 2nd language. The expat life is a challenging one.

Leading the charge of guiding your employees into the expat life? Even though you have adequately prepared your employees for the relocation, perhaps even with years of 2nd language classes that proved sufficient up until now, they will still need real support during the first year or more.

Language training and assimilation help is not a perk; it is a crucial component of international relocation programs.

A Fluency Language Coach Will

  • Meet with your employees on a regular basis to practice speaking with confidence
  • Help them prepare to speak in meetings and conference calls
  • Improve email communication
  • Get them accustomed to the local way of speaking, the accent, the culture
  • Clear up accent and pronunciation
  • Design a curriculum for every employee you have, their spouses and their children, based on exactly what their needs are
  • Assist children with schoolwork, discuss cultural differences, and guide them through assimilation and making friends in the community
  • Aid the spouse in making a new life, prepare for interviews, and answer questions about the new neighborhood and city

We do not sell off-the-shelf classes that have no relevance for your employees and their families.



Self Care Tips for Expats + EXPAT Chat

Taking care of yourself as an expat involves much more than thriving at your job and learning the language. You need a support system and resources to build a well-rounded life. Our blog series on expat life has tips for making friends, taking care of your mental health, and more. If you looking for more inspiration, check out our EXPAT Chat video series with Micah Bellieu as she delves into the history of long-established expats. They share insights, experiences, and stories of their time living in another country as an expat. 

Setting Goals

Traveling and taking up residency in another country is no doubt exciting. And sometimes when you finally arrive you just want to let loose…

Navigating the First 3 Months

You’ve officially made your move. Everything is exciting and new: a new size home, a new type of town or city, new public transportation…

Embracing Culinary Culture

Food is an integral part of our daily life. When you move abroad, sampling the local cuisine can be an exciting and exotic sensory experience…

Building a Social Life

At this point, you’re probably getting your sea legs in your new country. You’ve got a schedule, started your job and are adjusting to…

Get More Info About Our Language Training Resources

We’d love to talk with you more about how we can support your expats in their journey. To get additional information about how Fluency Corp works with companies and expats seeking language training resources, call us for a free consultation at (800) 401-3159 or fill out the form below.

Yes! My Company has Language Goals.

Fill out our form and we’ll be in touch regarding your company's second language training needs. Our consultations are always free.

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