As employers and employees of a company we must always keep ourselves learning the new technologies, news and laws that will affect our job. We also should always listen to what people want and the tips they give us to make our business better. It’s the only way we...
After years of hard work, you’ve signed your name on the dotted line and you’re one flight away from your dream job. Maybe you’re eager to explore a long-awaited destination as you write the newest chapter in your travel saga. Or perhaps you’re seeking a safe space to...
In today’s fast moving, globalized world it’s important to keep ourselves updated in many different topics, including sustainability. This can be a difficult task. So, if you’re looking for someone to guide you through this process and to share their knowledge with...
Working in relocation and global mobility is a tough business. You have to keep updated with everything that goes on in the industry and in the world, because it could affect your job. That has been particularly true this year. The arrival of the AI along with the...
Did you know that by being part of the relocation industry you can also have fun and do good? We mean it. It’s not all business and tough work. Though of course there’s a fair share of hard work, there can also be time for goodwill and cool activities. If you need...