Interview with Yolanda | An Expat from the Netherlands

Interview with Yolanda | An Expat from the Netherlands

Every month, Fluency Corp reaches out to clients, friends or even family, who have relocated to another country for a job, in order to ask them why they moved, how they moved and how they made a new home for themselves in their new country. We are fascinated by their...
Impact of COVID-19 on International Relocations

Impact of COVID-19 on International Relocations

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been many (ever-changing) global travel restrictions and travel bans. The virus has already taken over 700,000 lives worldwide and over 160,000 lives in the United States. The Coronavirus is spread through contact with...
Can an Expat Ever Truly Feel at Home in Japan?

Can an Expat Ever Truly Feel at Home in Japan?

Have you ever thought of accepting that job in Asia? Taking all of your family to another country, with a new language, and foreign customs? Something that often holds people back from making life-changing moves is a feeling of security and acceptance. It’s a scary...
The Expat Bubble – Why Do We Stay There?

The Expat Bubble – Why Do We Stay There?

  Moving to another country can be rough. Whether someone does it on their own or with family, it means being uprooted from the comforts of home—with movie nights in the town where they grew up, went to college, had a first date, just lived for umpteen...
Moussa Samake – Expat and Language Collector

Moussa Samake – Expat and Language Collector

Every month, Fluency Corp reaches out to clients, friends or even family, who have relocated to another country for a job, in order to ask them why they moved, how they moved and how they made a new home for themselves in their new country. We are fascinated by their...
