Wind turbines atop grassy hill with EuRA Sustainability Logo

Sustainability is an incredibly important topic nowadays. It’s not popular just for the sake of it, but because people are truly seeing how it helps the world. They want to learn and change it for the better. But did you know that it not only applies to your personal life but also to your relocation business? That’s right! Sustainability is something all relocation and mobility professionals should learn about and all companies should strive to implement.

So, if you’re a mobility professional that wants to learn about sustainability and how to apply it in your work, congrats! Wanting to learn about what matters to the world and the people is the first step to be better at your job. Now, go and check EuRA’s next sustainability webinar. You’ll learn tons!

About EuRA

(EuRA) is a non-profit organization that helps the relocation industry by advising, educating and supporting relocation professionals in any possible way. As their mission states, they want “to be the benchmark for education, innovation and best practice in the most sustainable way possible…”

They have a council composed of nine members that aim to achieve EuRA’s mission and honor its values. Every council member belongs to one local region, so there’s variety and each one can help with their region’s issues and goals.

You can be a member if you wish! There are different awesome benefits to it, like appearing on their website and a discount for their MIM Training programs. All you have to do is pick the membership type that best adjusts to your profile. 

There’s the Full Membership for “[…] destination service providers and relocation management companies…” that have over two years of experience. There’s also the Associate Membership for “[…] destination service providers and relocation management companies…” that have less than two years of experience. And there’s the Supplier Membership for “companies whose commercial activities are linked to and used by relocation service providers”.

Event Details

Date: October 25th, 2023
Time: There are two option to attend; choose between 10:00 CET or 17:00 CET
Location: Online Webinar

EuRA has launched their “Sustainability Training Series”. It consists of different live webinars to help all those that are members of EuRA learn more about sustainability. 

This is great news, because today’s world is really concerned about that topic. People in general are eager to learn more about it and how to implement sustainability in their everyday lives. So, if you learn how to be more sustainable in your work, your company will be more appealing.

They already started in September with the first session. Now, it’s time for the second one: “Sustainable Cities, Reducing Our Footprint”. This conference will be all about “the material footprint of destination service providers”. EuRA states that “DSPs hold a unique vantage point in minimizing the environmental impact of relocations”. You’ll learn all about it in this second session, so you’ll end up having all the tools and knowledge to reduce your material footprint. 

Register now. It costs $200 EUR for members and $400 EUR for non-members.

Speaker: Johannes de Kam

He will be the primary trainer of all the “Sustainability Training Series” sessions.

Johannes de Kam studied a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business Management at Coventry University. He also got his PhD in Education at University of Warwick. On top of that, he’s got a Linguae Mundi Certificate in Foreign Language Teaching and a CELTA certificate.

He’s worked for both universities he studied at. He was a Dutch Language Teacher and a Trainer Assistant at Coventry University. He’s also worked in different positions, including being a Teaching Fellow and a PhD Researcher, at University of Warwick for seven years.

On his LinkedIn, he describes himself as “[…] an educator/trainer, researcher and consultant specialized in issues pertaining to global mobility of employees.” He also says that some of his research interests are sustainable ways of global mobility. Now you can see why he’s a great option for these EuRA sessions.

Learn Another Important Skill for Today’s World to Help Grow Your Career

Now you’re aware of sustainability’s importance and how to implement it in your business life. But what’s another important skill in today’s world that could benefit you in both your personal and professional lives? Language learning! 

We live in a highly globalized world where bilingualism will help you tons. People are getting more interested in learning a language for the fun of it, but also for the benefits, like traveling or making foreign friends. It could also help you in your relocation and mobility work. You’ll get to treat international clients and make them feel more comfortable in a language they know. You’ll also excel in your bilingual meetings. So, don’t hesitate in joining Fluency Corp’s language classes to upgrade your resume.

Our lessons are for you and your whole work team. Whether you want to invest in classes for all your company or just a few employees, we’re the best choice! 

Our native teachers will customize the lessons to the job and your needs. So, everything you’ll learn will be useful in real life. They’ll also teach you every aspect of the language but will focus on speaking by practicing what you’ve learned. You’ll achieve language fluency in no time.

Just pick a language and a schedule and choose between our online or onsite lessons. Set up a free consultation with Fluency Corp by contacting us at or (800) 401-3159.