Woman in a bright, contemporary office writing business emails in Spanish on a laptop

Are you working abroad or with foreign people? Then, you have to learn how to write a proper business email.

It doesn’t matter in which industry you work or which language you use. This is one of the first and most important things you must learn when working abroad. Because you need to be sure there’s proper communication.

Of course, writing an email for a friend is different from writing an email for business. There are specific words and phrases used in the working environment, and specific jargon for a business email.

This is no exception for the Spanish language. That’s why today we’ll help you learn how to write a business email in Spanish. Just in case you’re working in a Spanish-speaking country or with native Spanish speakers.

Spanish Words for Writing a Business Email

In the world of emails, there are a lot of specific words we use daily. You might already be too accustomed to those to notice. But what if we use those words in Spanish? Do you know them? How would you say “file”? Or “unread email”?

Here’s a list of common Spanish words for emails:

  1. Correo de negocios – Business Email
  2. Spanish – Español
  3. Escribir / Redactar – To write
  4. Enviar – To send
  5. Texto – Text
  6. Asunto – Subject
  7. Para – To
  8. De – From
  9. Bandeja – Inbox
  10. Spam – Spam
  11. Eliminar – Delete
  12. Con copia – Carbon Copy
  13. Con copia oculta – Blind carbon copy
  14. Archivo adjunto – Attached file
  15. Nuevo mensaje – New message
  16. Responder – Reply
  17. Reenviar – Forward
  18. Correos leídos – Read emails
  19. Correos no leídos – Unread emails
  20. Todos – All mail
  21. Borradores – Drafts
  22. Pospuestos – Snoozed
  23. Destacados – Starred
  24. Marcar como leído – Mark as read
  25. Marcar como leído – Mark as read
  26. Papelera – Trash
  27. Programados – Scheduled
  28. Categorías – Categories
  29. Notificaciones – Notifications
  30. Etiquetas – Labels

Spanish Phrases to Greet the Email’s Recipient

The first thing you must do is address the recipient of the business email in a kind but formal way. So there will be no confusion about who you want to talk to. There are different ways to do this:

  • A quien corresponda – To whom it may concern
  • Hola, buen día/buenas tardes – Hello, Good day/Good morning/Good afternoon
  • Estimado Sr./Sra./Director/Directora – Dear Mr./Mrs./Director

If you don’t want it to be super formal, you can simply say:

  • Hola, (add name of the recipient) – Hello, (name of the recipient)

For this, you can use the name and the last name of the other person, or just the last name.

Kind Phrases in Spanish to Start the Business Email

After making it clear who the email is for, it’s time for some kind words. Before diving deep into the topic of the email, Spanish speakers tend to say something nice to the recipient. It can be some well-wishes or thank the person for contacting you. Whatever you think is nice, but without losing the formality.

Here are some common kind phrases in Spanish to start your business email:

  • Espero que se encuentre muy bien – I hope you’re well
  • Es un placer saludarlo (male) / Es un placer saludarla (female) – It’s a pleasure to greet you
  • Espero esté teniendo un buen día. – I hope you’re having a good day
  • Gracias por su interés en mí/nosotros/nuestro producto – Thanks for your interest in me/us/our product
  • Gracias por contactarnos – Thanks for contacting us

Introduce Yourself in Spanish

You can also introduce yourself in Spanish before diving into the email’s topic. For example:

  • Mi nombre es… – My name is…
  • Permítame presentarme, mi nombre es… – Let me introduce myself; my name is…

As an optional step, after saying your name you can add the company that you work for and your role:

  • I work at… – Trabajo en…
  • I work for… – Trabajo para…
  • Soy el/la… – I am the…
  • Estoy encargado/encargada de… – I’m in charge of…
  • Soy el director / la directora de… – I’m the director of…

Build Your Email’s Message

Why are you writing this business email? Is there a problem with something? Do you want to set up a meeting? Do you have questions about a product? Whatever it is, it’s now your time to write the reason for your email.

Remember to be kind, but still direct and formal. So there are no misunderstandings, but people know you’re still friendly.

We recommend you:

  • Write small paragraphs, so it’s easier to read
  • Be as clear as possible with everything you write, but especially with the purpose of the email
  • Be as brief as possible
  • Use paragraphs, especially if the email is going to be long

Here are some Spanish phrases you can use to start writing the reason and topic for your email:

  • Escribo este correo para… – I write this email to…
  • Escribo este correo porque… – I write this email because…
  • Respondiendo a tu pregunta… – Answering your question…
  • Me gustaría saber más sobre/acerca de… – I’d like to know more about…
  • Le escribo para preguntar… – I write to ask…
  • Lo/La contacto para… – I contact you to…
  • Me comunico con usted para… – I communicate with you to…
  • Me dirijo a usted con el fin de… – I write to you in order to…
  • Nos gustaría programar una reunión… – We’d like to set up a meeting…

Now keep on writing your email. Add links, photos, details… Whatever you need to explain yourself.

Spanish Phrases to End Your Business Email

After writing everything you needed to, it’s time to give the email a proper closure.

You can add some Spanish phrases to let the other person know that you’ll wait for an answer. Or that you’re willing to answer any questions. Basically, say something so they know what you expect next from them.

Here are some popular phrases that will help you do that:

  • No dudes en contactarnos/contactarme – Don’t hesitate in contacting us/me
  • Quedo en espera de su respuesta – Looking forward to your response
  • Quedo en espera de sus comentarios – Looking forward to your comments
  • Quedo a la espera de su confirmación – Looking forward to your confirmation
  • Hágame saber si tiene alguna pregunta – Let me know if you have any questions

After, you can add the goodbye. It can simply be by writing your name. But it’s more common and you’ll sound kinder by using any of these phrases before your name:

  • Saludos cordiales – Kind regards
  • Saludos – Regards
  • Un cordial saludo – A kind greeting
  • Atentamente – Sincerely / Kind regards
  • Seguimos en contacto – We’ll keep in touch
  • Quedo atenta – I’ll be waiting
  • Quedo a su disposición – I remain at your disposal

Example of a Business Email in Spanish

Here’s an example of how to write a business email using the steps and phrases above. Of course, it can vary depending on the phrases you want to use. Because some others might go better with the message you’re writing. It’s just a general example for you to get a good idea of how to write a business email in Spanish:

Estimada Sra. Fernández,

Espero que se encuentre bien. Mi nombre es Ted P. Soy el fundador y director de la compañía “Ted P”.

Escribo este correo porque nos enteramos de que ganó el premio a Mejor Compañia de Belleza 2024. Antes que nada, permítame felicitarla por este gran logro.

Así como usted, nosotros también tenemos el objetivo de lograr que la gente se sienta feliz con quienes son a través de productos de calidad que fortalecen la autoestima.

Por ello creemos que seríamos grandes aliados. Nos gustaría programar una reunión para discutir propuestas de trabajo en conjunto. Sólo envíenos los horarios en que podría reunirse.

Quedo en espera de su respuesta.

Saludos cordiales,

Ted P.

Fundador y director de Ted P.

Learn Business Spanish to Communicate Properly with Your Hispanic Workforce

Like we saw above, there’s a different jargon for working in the business world. This also applies to the Spanish language. You just learned some words and phrases for writing a business email in Spanish.

But there’s so much more you can learn to have proper Spanish communication in any area of your work. That’s why we’re here!

Fluency Corp is an online corporate language school. All of our classes are completely customized to the job and your language needs. So just tell us: What do you need? Whether it’s more Spanish vocabulary for a specific industry, accent training, or preparing for a job interview in Spanish, we’ll be glad to help.

We base all our lessons in the Bellieu Method, created by our founder and CEO, Micah Bellieu. It consists of encouraging our students to speak in Spanish using what they’ve learned so far. That’s the best way to achieve language fluency. After all, practice makes perfect.

The best of all is that we have many more languages. So, you’ll have a multilingual workforce! What are you waiting for? Invest in your bilingual education and that of your employees now!

All you have to do is pick a language and choose between our online or on-site language classes. Then contact us for a free consultation to answer all of your questions.

See you in class!