Winning the Green Card Lottery is an incredible achievement and the beginning of a thrilling journey. The United States is full of possibilities, yet moving to a new country can be challenging—especially one with a different culture and language. For many new...
Despite being located on two different sides of the world, Japan and the U.S. are two globalized cities whose culture reaches the whole world. They both have a distinctive mark in different areas of life, including the business culture. This also means that they bring...
If you’re moving to the U.S., we know you’ve got a lot on your mind. But we want to add one more thing: English idioms. Why? Consider this anecdote (based on a composite of Fluency Corp client experiences): During a crucial update meeting, Elaine, a project manager at...
We all know what the Independence Day holiday is like in the U.S. We typically spend July Fourth enjoying activities like cookouts, fireworks displays and community celebrations. But what is this most American of holidays like for U.S. citizens who live overseas?...
Best Events in Dallas this Spring At Fluency Corp, we love providing corporate language training for clients in our home base of Dallas, Texas. But we do more than offer language lessons in Dallas. We also help our clients get to know the city we all call home. And...