How U.S. and British English Differ

How U.S. and British English Differ

You may have heard the famous quote that the U.S. and Great Britain are “two nations divided by a common language.” But the divide between British English and American English actually affects people from other places, too. As providers of corporate...
Moving to America? You’ll Need These Essential English Idioms

Moving to America? You’ll Need These Essential English Idioms

If you’re moving to the U.S., we know you’ve got a lot on your mind. But we want to add one more thing: English idioms. Why? Consider this anecdote (based on a composite of Fluency Corp client experiences): During a crucial update meeting, Elaine, a project manager at...
A Guide to Learning American English Slang

A Guide to Learning American English Slang

When we work with expats in the U.S. on their English skills, they often tell us that one of their challenges is figuring out American English slang. We can understand why. Ask just about any parent of teens in the U.S., and they’ll tell you that they have trouble...
American English Dialects

American English Dialects

In American, Americans all speak the same American English. Right? Quite wrong actually. And you’d realize this quickly if you’ve been to Lafayette, LA, New York City, NY, or Oklahoma City, OK. Americans speak dialects of English based on the region where they grew...
Tips for Talking on the Phone in English

Tips for Talking on the Phone in English

If you’re a non-native English speaker, you know that talking on the phone in English is a lot trickier than speaking with native English speakers face to face. If your job requires frequent phone calls in English, you might be concerned about whether you are...
