Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the world. That’s also why it’s become so important for business. Many bosses and leaders know the language and many companies are looking for employees that know it too. Because they know that if you speak Spanish, you can help them grow their business.
You’ve probably already seen during international meetings at your office the importance of the Spanish language. Have you felt lost during those reunions? Don’t you know how to say basic business words and phrases in Spanish? Do you want to be more fluent? That’s okay; you can always improve!
So, if you’re looking for a new language that’ll help you improve your business skills for whatever goals you have, look no further. Spanish will bring many benefits for you. It will enhance your curriculum. Whether you’re already a CEO, an employee, or even if you’re just fresh out of school.
Spanish Words for Business
Here’s a list of important words for the world of business with their Spanish translations. We wrote the pronunciation we learned on SpanishD!ctionary in the parenthesis.
We bet you’ll use these words at least once when doing international business:
- Business – Negocios (neh goh syohs)
- Work – Trabajo (trah bah hoh)
- Job – Trabajo (trah bah hoh)
- Employees – Empleados (ehm pleh ah dohs)
- Boss – Jefe (heh feh)
- Company – Compañía (kohm pah nyee ah)
- Human Resources – Recursos Humanos (rreh koor sohs oo mah nohs)
- Meeting – Reunión (rreyoo nyohn) / Junta (hoon tah)
- Contract – Contrato (kohn trah toh)
- Customer – Cliente (klyehn teh)
- Business partner – Socio de negocios (soh syoh deh neh goh syohs)
- Office – Oficina (oh fee see nah)
- Salary / Wage – Salario (sah lah ryoh)
- Co-workers – Compañeros de trabajo (kohm pah nyeh roh)
- Conference – Conferencia (kohm feh rehn syah)
- Market – Mercado (mehr kah doh)
- Global – Global (gloh bahl)
- International – Internacional (een tehr nah syoh nahl)
- Industry – Industria (een doos tryah)
- Facilities – Facilidades (fah see lee dah dehs)
- Report – Reporte (rreh pohr teh)
- Results – Resultados (rreh sool tah dohs)
- Money – Dinero (dee neh roh)
- Lucrative – Lucrativo (loo krah tee boh)
- Remuneration – Remuneración (rreh oo neh rah syohn)
- Accounting – Contabilidad (kohn tah bee lee dahd)
- Project – Proyecto (proh yehk toh)
- Product – Producto (proh dook toh)
- Loan – Préstamo (prehs tah moh)
- Stock market – Mercado bursátil (mehr kah doh boor sah teel)
- Budget – Presupuesto (preh soo pwehs toh)
- Cash inflow / Income – Ingresos (een greh sohs)
- Revenue / Profit – Ganancia (gah nahn syah)
- Cash outflow – Egresos (eh greh sohs)
- Loss – Pérdida (pehr dee dah)
- Recession – Recesión (rreh seh syohn)
- Finances – Finanzas (fee nahn sahs)
- Insurance – Seguro (seh goo roh)
- Supplier – Proveedor (proh beh eh dohr)
- Shareholder – Accionista (ahk syoh nees tah)
- Investors – Inversionistas (eem behr seeoh nees tahs) / Inversores (eem behr sohr ehs)
- Investment – Inversión (eem behr syohn)
- Balance sheet – Hoja de balance (oh hah deh bah lahn seh)
- Trade off – Compensación (kohm pehn sah syohn)
- Goals – Objetivos (ohb heh tee bohs)
- Mission – Misión (mee syohn)
- Offer – Oferta (oh fehr tah)
- Costs – Costo (kohs toh)
- Inventory – Inventario eem behn tah ryoh)
- Trademark – Marca (mahr kah)
Spanish Professions
In just one company, there can be many different professions and job positions. Here are the Spanish names of some of those jobs:
- Founder – Fundador (male) (foon dah dohr) / Fundadora (female) (foon dah dohr ah)
- Director – Director (male) (dee rehk tohr) / Directora (female) (dee rehk tohr ah)
- Chief Executive Officer (CEO) – Director Ejecutivo (male) (dee rehk tohr eh heh koo tee boh) / Directora Ejecutiva (female) (dee rehk tohr eh heh koo tee bah)
- Vice president – Vicepresidente (male) (bee seh preh see dehn teh) / Vicepresidenta (female) (bee seh preh see dehn tah)
- Manager – Gerente (heh rehn teh)
- Chief Operating Officer (COO) – Director de Operaciones (male) (dee rehk tohr deh oh peh rah syohn ehs) / Director de Operaciones (female) (dee rehk tohr ah deh oh peh rah syohn ehs)
- Lawyer – Abogado (male) (ah boh gah doh) / Abogada (female) (ah boh gah dah)
- Assistant – Asistente (ah sees tehn teh)
- Receptionist – Recepcionista (rreh sehp syoh nees tah)
- Customer service agent – Agente de servicio al cliente (ah hehn teh deh sehr bee syoh ahl klyehn teh)
- Programmer – Programador (male) (proh grah mah dohr) / Programadora (female) (proh grah mah dohr ah)
- Architect – Arquitecto (male) (ahr kee tehk toh) / Arquitecta (female) (ahr kee tehk tah)
- Consultant – Asesor (male) (ah seh sohr) / Asesora (female) (ah seh sohr ah)
- Accountant – Contador (male) (kohn tah dohr) / Contadora (female) (kohn tah dohr ah)
- Recruiter – Reclutador (male) (rreh kloo tah dohr) / Reclutadora (female) (rreh kloo tah dohr ah)
- Designer – Diseñador (male) (dee seh nyah dohr) / Diseñadora (female) (dee seh nyah dohr ah)
- Engineer – Ingeniero (male) (eeng heh nyeh roh) / Ingeniera (female) (eeng heh nyeh roh)
- Editor – Editor (male) (eh dee tohr) / Editora (female) (eh dee tohr ah)
Classic Business Expressions in Spanish
Here are some classic phrases that a lot of businessmen, business women, and leaders use when talking in a business environment.
- Push back – Retroceder (rreh troh seh dehr)
- At the latest – A más tardar (ah mahs tahr dahr)
- By this means I inform you… – Por medio de la presente le comunico… (pohr meh dyoh deh lah preh sehn teh leh koh moo nee koh)
- Get the ball rolling – Poner manos a la obra (poh nehr mah nohs ah lah oh brah)
- Let’s get down to business – Hay que entrar en materia (ay keh ehn trahr ehn mah teh ryah) / Entremos en materia (ehn treh mohs ehn mah teh ryah) / Vayamos al tema (bah yah mohs) / Pongamonos a trabajar (pohn gah moh nohs ah trah bah hahr)
- Going forward – En el futuro (ehn ehl foo too roh) / En adelante (ehn ah deh lahn teh)
- Push forward – Avanzar (ah bahn sahr) / Impulsar (eem pool sahrr)
- Pick it off from where we left – Retomar donde lo dejamos (rreh toh mahr dohn deh loh deh hah mohs)
- Bring to the table – Aportar (ah pohr tahr)
- Call it a day – Dar el día por terminado (dahr ehl dee ah pohr tehr mee nah doh) / Dejarlo por hoy (deh hahr pohr oy)
Phrases in Spanish for Business
Let’s remember that most people prefer a more formal treatment and talk during work hours. That’s why you can’t express yourself as you normally do with your friends or romantic partners.
So, here are some phrases in Spanish you could use when speaking to your boss or coworkers, or during a meeting. Or even just to present yourself in a formal way.
- Good morning / Good afternoon / Good day / Buenos días / Buenas tardes / Buen día
- Good morning, my name is Kate, nice to meet you. I’m here for the interview. / Buenos días, mi nombre es Kate, mucho gusto. Estoy aquí por la entrevista de trabajo.
- Good morning. You’re calling to Ted Company, with whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with? / Buenos días. Está llamando a la Compañía Ted, ¿con quién tengo el gusto de hablar?
- Good day, everyone. The meeting is at 2:00 pm. / Buen día a todos. La junta es a las dos de la tarde.
- Now, tell me, if we hired you, what would you bring to the table? / Ahora, dime, por favor, si te contratara, ¿que aportarías?
- What’s going to be the economic impact of this project? / ¿Cuál va a ser el impacto económico de este proyecto?
- On this meeting we will address the cash inflow and outflow of the company. / En esta reunión vamos a abordar los ingresos y egresos monetarios de la compañía.
- Mr. Josh P. could you, please, check if we have enough inventory? / ¿Señor, Josh P. podría, por favor, checar si tenemos suficiente inventario?
- I’m so sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but we have to push back on the project due to a lack of investors. / Lamento mucho ser el portador de malas noticias, pero tenemos que retroceder en el proyecto debido a una falta de inversores.
- Let me introduce you to the new Chief Executive Officer, Mrs. Giselle C. / Permítanme presentarles a la nueva Directora Ejecutiva, la señorita Giselle C.
- Would it be possible to get these documents ready by Friday at the latest, please? / ¿Crees que sería posible tener estos documentos listos para el viernes a más tardar, por favor?
- Mr. Johnson, do you think we could talk later? I’d like to present you an idea to increase the sales. / Señor, Johnson, ¿cree que podríamos hablar más tarde? Me gustaría presentarle una idea para aumentar las ventas.
- This meeting has been too long. Let’s call it a day and we’ll pick it off tomorrow from where we left. / Esta reunión se ha extendido mucho. Demos el día por terminado y mañana retomamos donde lo dejamos.
- By this means I inform you of my decision to resign the position of programmer. / Por medio de la presente le comunico mi decisión de renunciar al cargo de programador.
Conquer the Spanish Business World with Fluency Corp
You’ve acquired some important vocabulary for business in Spanish throughout this blog. But now you have to use it. Uf! Stepping into the office and actually speaking in Spanish? Yeah, that can be scary. But don’t worry, Fluency Corp is here to help!
We offer corporate language classes in Spanish for you or your employees. That’s right, you can invest in lessons for your teamwork. This could be a great move now that you know that their bilingual skills will not only be beneficial for them, but for your company as well.
Our classes are completely customized to your job and needs. So, if you need to learn business vocabulary for a specific industry, we can help. Or if you want to help your expats improve their accent, we’ll make a plan for them.
Or maybe you need to learn how to write emails in Spanish; we can do that too. Whatever it is you need, we’re ready!
The best of all is our Bellieu Method in which we base our lessons. This method consists of encouraging you to speak in your target language. This way you’ll achieve Spanish fluency. Do you know what this means? That you’ll get to practice all your new business words and phrases during our lessons!
So you feel more prepared for your next business meeting or job interview.
Oh, and we have other languages besides Spanish, in case you’re interested. So pick your language. Then just choose between our online or onsite classes.
Don’t forget to contact us for a free consultation.