Global corporation online video conference in meeting room with diverse people sitting in modern office | Benefits of Working in Multilingual Workplaces

If you’re about to start working in a multilingual company, let us congratulate you! But if you’re thinking about doing it, but aren’t sure yet, let us tell you it would be a great opportunity for your career. Because there are many benefits of working in multilingual workplaces.

Don’t let the difficulties you think you may encounter stop you from taking the chance of growing as a person and improving your professional life. Let’s take a look at everything you’ll gain in a multilingual workplace.

Improve Your Bilingual Skills

If you speak Spanish, you’ll improve in Spanish. If you speak French, you’ll improve in French. If you speak Japanese, you’ll improve in Japanese. Whatever the language you learned, know and speak, you’ll improve your skills in that language if you work in a multilingual workplace.

Why? Because you’ll meet other people that also speak your target language. Some will speak it as a second language. So they’ll understand the difficulty of learning it and you’ll get to practice together without feeling afraid of making a mistake.

Some others will be native speakers of your target language; these people will be essential for your improvement. You’ll get to hear a real accent and the correct pronunciation of words.

You’ll also practice your listening by hearing how fast and fluently they speak in real life, not in a classroom. Your vocabulary will have a huge boost, because you’ll learn words besides the formal ones, like idioms and slang. This will make you sound more natural.

Your speaking will be benefited the most, because you’ll get to speak and hold conversations with actual natives! No more school practice.

Upgrade Your Resume

We know that when you look for a job it is because you want to stay and grow there. And what better place to do that than a multilingual company? But anything could happen, and you should be prepared to impress recruiters with your resume.

Don’t worry, because writing that you worked for a multilingual workplace is already impressive enough. Imagine reading that on someone’s resume? Honestly, that sounds amazing!

Recruiters might see that you’re bilingual and can adapt easily to a place full of different cultures and perspectives. Basically, they’ll see in your person all the benefits that bilingualism and surrounding yourself with other bilingual people brings.

Many companies will want people that are ready to tackle international challenges. And that means speaking other languages than your mother tongue and dealing with people that speak other languages. So your resume will stand out!

You Might Learn Another Language

Yes, you might start picking up another language if you work in a multilingual workplace. Just think about it: You’ll be surrounded by people that speak other languages besides your mother tongue or your second language.

Most likely you’ll start learning or understanding the language that you hear the most. So, if at your company you work more closely with Portuguese speakers, you’ll probably learn that. At least, you’ll acquire a few words and expressions. Or if most of the employees speak in Spanish, you’ll probably understand a bit – or a lot – of the language after a while.

How is this possible? Because you’ll be immersed in that particular language! It’s like you’ll start training your ear and brain for it, maybe even without noticing much, because for you, you’re working not studying. Immersion is a great way to acquire a new language naturally. It’s like how we acquired our native language.

Now, you might not become a master; you might still need help. But if you start picking up a language at the office and then you complement it with extra practice at home or some classes, BOOM! You’ll learn it and soon might be able to add it to your resume.

Cultural Awareness

You’ll become more culturally aware and culturally empathetic by getting to know all the people that work alongside you. There will be tons of different countries, cultures and languages represented in a multilingual company.

Some you may know a bit more, maybe because you speak the language, or you’ve traveled there, or they’re popular countries and languages. But some others you may not know much about. So there’ll be tons of things to learn. Even for those cultures you think you know well, there’s always something new you can learn.

This will open your perspectives about life and ways of working. Which will make you more culturally aware and empathetic. Which, at the same time, will make you grow as a person.

Who knows? Maybe you’ll implement some of the things you like the most about each culture and language into your personal and professional lives.

Create More Business Relationships

Working in multilingual spaces will help you get to know people from many different backgrounds. That is different countries, cultures, languages, and ways of seeing life and work. This is the perfect opportunity to do some networking and build more business relationships with many different people.

The best of all is that many will be international business relationships. These relationships might end up being useful later working at that same company or even once you and the others have parted ways.

For example: Let’s say one day you want to found your own company and take it to international markets. The relationships you build with your foreign co-workers might help you achieve that. They’ll open doors for you. Or what if one day you want to work abroad? Once again, those relationships will be useful.

Better Cognitive Skills

It’s been demonstrated that knowing multiple languages enhances your cognitive abilities.

This means you’d get better at problem solving skills. That is a highly requested ability by companies, because they want to know that you can face challenges and solve them.

You’d also help your memory be sharper. Which is another great skill for work and school and, honestly, all areas of life.

As if that weren’t enough, you’d also arrive at an old age with good cognitive skills that haven’t deteriorated. You’d even have less chance of delaying Alzheimer’s disease.

And these are a bit of the cognitive skills that would be helped thanks to your multilingual abilities.

If you’re working for a multilingual business, it means you’re already bilingual, at least. Now imagine all the benefits if you learn more languages and become a polyglot!

Fluency Corp Offers Language Learning for International Workplaces

Now that you know that multilingual workplaces will bring many benefits to you, what have you decided? Are you going to take that offer and work in a multilingual company? If you said yes, you might want to improve your language skills to be fully prepared. Hey, your coworkers might want to do the same.

Maybe you want to learn more vocabulary for business. Or maybe you need to work on your accent. Or perhaps you’re looking to improve your speaking, so you can participate in meetings.

Well, guess what? Fluency Corp offers corporate language training completely customized to your job and language needs. So whatever it is that you need, just tell us. We’ll be glad to help you be confident in your language fluency at work.

Oh, and by the way, language fluency is our main goal. Through our Bellieu Method, created by our founder and CEO, we encourage students to speak in their target language in every single class. So really, your speaking and conversation skills will be practiced a lot. Soon, you’ll sound like a professional.

The best news is that our classes can be for the whole company! So everybody can improve their language skills. If you’re a boss, this is one great way to support your multilingual workforce.

And we have many different languages to choose from! From Spanish and English to French and Portuguese to Mandarin, Arabic, Korean, and more. So just choose the one you need.

Are you interested? All you have to do is choose between our online or onsite classes. Then contact us for a free consultation, so we answer any questions.

Let yourself, your employees and coworkers be amazed by the benefits Fluency Corp will bring to your professional lives.